
Physical Proof of Address attributes

We added the following attributes for Physical Proof of Address in the XML file and Get case status response: DocumentSubType, ValidityInDays, and HolderName.


Get AML client errors

We added an example 404 response to the Get AML client by your ID and Get AML client by our ID requests.


Subscribe to our release notes!

You can now subscribe to receive our monthly release notes via email, so you never risk missing important changes to our platform or required actions.


AML hit type definitions

We added comprehensive definitions of the various types of AML hits.


May release notes

Check out the Release Notes highlighting changes in May 2024!


Product videos

We added videos to illustrate the user experience of our solutions and modules via the App Drop-in and Web SDK.


App Components

We added documentation about the App Components integration option.


Client Authentication & Document Authentication via App Drop-in

You can now integrate Client Authentication and Document Authentication via the App Drop-in.
More information


Updated AML webhook

We changed the structure of the AML Screening & Monitoring webhook.


Web SDK light/dark theme

We added guidance on setting light and dark themes for your Web SDK user interface.