Go-Live Requirements

Getting started guide

This page describes the process when you start working with Fourthline, or if you're an existing business partner wanting a new implementation.


The high-level process is as follows:

Process overview

Process overview

SDPA agreement

The Solution Description and Platform Architecture (SDPA) agreement sets out the following:

  • Your solution(s) and modules
  • Integration option(s)
  • Specific configuration
  • Deployment and operating models
  • Identifiers, credentials, and IP address restrictions
  • Any feature requests
  • Communication channels and meetings
  • Implementation timeline
  • Dependencies

For product-specific configuration requirements, see:

To implement the highest-quality solution together quickly and efficiently, carefully identify all your requirements and describe them as specifically as possible. This helps us offer the best advice and accurately develop any special requests.


For test integrations during the implementation phase, address the sandbox API environment.

For your live integration, address the production API environment.



Fourthline's platform is built to detect real faces and authentic ID documents with correctly matching personal data. This means, by the nature of our business, we can't provide dummy documents, photos, files, or data for testing.

To test your solution:

  1. Use official specimen documents, or the real ID documents and data of your colleagues, to create test cases in the sandbox environment.

  2. Use the test endpoints:

Identity VerificationSet test outcomeSet an outcome to apply when a case reaches a specific status.
Qualified Electronic
Test signature flowStart a test signature flow and specify the outcome.
Get test passcodeGet a one-time passcode to confirm a test signature, without requiring a valid mobile phone number.

  1. To safeguard the privacy of your colleagues and their data, when you have finished testing, contact your Fourthline delivery manager to delete all testing data from the sandbox.
More information
For more information about how Fourthline protects data, see Security & Compliance.

Go-live checklist

Both parties ensure that the following checklist is completed:

  • Backend testing of all API endpoints used
  • Functional testing to ensure the integration meets requirements, including business logic for different statuses
  • UI and user experience review
  • Business testing of the end-to-end flow on your side
  • Security testing
  • Case processing training for partners who process their own cases
  • Alignment with Customer Success team
  • Alignment with Fourthline Operations team
  • Alignment with Fourthline product owner (optional)
  • Jira service desk for monitoring phase setup and testing

Your Fourthline integration is live and we'll work together to ensure its success!

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