Authentication Solutions

Solutions overview

Fourthline’s Authentication solutions assess different factors to establish the identity of existing clients (whose identity we have previously verified) to access your services. Create different levels of authentication or step-up authentication flows.

Solutions include:

Client AuthenticationAuthenticate a client's identity using their biometrics and location.
Document AuthenticationAuthenticate a client's new ID document.

Client Authentication

This solution assesses biometrics and location to establish the identity of an existing client, for example if:

  • The client has a new device.
  • The client forgot the password for or has otherwise lost access to an account containing funds.
  • The client is performing a transaction from a high-risk geolocation for an amount over a specific threshold.

It includes:

The flow is as follows:

How it works
Biometric Authentication

Biometric Authentication

Location Authentication

Location Authentication

When Fourthline has processed the case, download the detailed CDD Report via our API.

Next steps
Explore the Client Authentication integration guide and technical manual.

Get in touch

Document Authentication

This solution helps you ensure that existing clients have a valid ID document throughout their lifecycle. The client provides photos of their new document and we check that the document is fully visible, valid, authentic, supported, and in good condition with all security features present.

Fourthline compares the document data to their latest successful Identity Verification to confirm it belongs to that client.

It includes:

The flow is as follows:

Document Authentication

Document Authentication

When Fourthline has processed the case, download the detailed CDD Report via our API.

For support with selecting solutions for your use case(s), reach out to Fourthline's Solution Engineering team.
You can also draw on our extensive, specialist knowledge of KYC and AML compliance regulations within Europe and beyond.
Next steps
Explore the Document Authentication integration guide and technical manual.

Get in touch

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