Demo Videos
Integrations guide
This page features a collection of videos that showcase our solutions and modules.
Identity Verification & modules
Identity Verification
Identity Verification
The European Identity Verification flow on Web SDK is as follows:
• The SDK provides selfie photo and liveness guidance, detecting the client's face (one face only) and ensuring it is within the frame.
Qualified Electronic Signature
Qualified Electronic Signature
The Qualified Electronic Signature module on Web SDK is as follows:
Bank Account Verification
Bank Account Verification
The Bank Account Verification module on Web SDK is as follows:
Physical Proof of Address
Physical Proof of Address
The Physical Proof of Address module on Web SDK is as follows:
Tax number
Tax number
The Tax number module on Web SDK is as follows:
Client data
Client data
The SDK collects the client's personal data, address, and contact details in an additional module:

Address and contact details
Market-specific solutions
Flow management
Progress screen
Progress screen
At each step in the product workflow, the original browser window tracks the client's progress:

Progress screen
The Web SDK asks for:
- Camera permissions to take document photos and video, and selfie photo and video
- Location permissions to access the client's geolocation and device metadata
Permissions are only requested once during the flow.

Camera permissions

Location permissions
If the client blocks permissions, the SDK shows the following screens:

Blocked permissions
If the client decides to unblock permissions to proceed with the flow, the SDK provides instructions.
Updated 9 days ago