Identity Verification Statuses

Integrations guide

This page sets out possible statuses, explanatory status codes, CDD Report availability, and risk codes for Identity Verification.

In addition to checking the status in webhook notifications, you can check the status of a specific Identity Verification case any time via a Get case status request.


Possible notifications include:

newDescription: The workflow is successfully created.

• SDK integration: Wait for the next status.
• API integration: Upload the identity data and identity files.
pendingDescription: We are validating the data.

Action: Wait for the next status.

Status code: 1000
inconsistent_dataDescription: We found inconsistent data.

Action: Create a new workflow.

Status codes: 20003000 series
invalid_dataDescription: We found invalid or missing data.

Action: Create a new workflow.

Status codes: 10011999
completedDescription: We have processed the case.
For our recommendation to accept or reject the client, see the risk code.

Risk codes:
200500: 100 series status codes
500: 40005000 series status codes

Action: Download the CDD Report zipfile.

Status flow diagram

The pathways for statuses are as follows:

Identity Verification status flow

Identity Verification status flow

Risk codes

Possible risk codes include:

Risk codeRisk score

Status codes

Statuses can be accompanied by one or multiple of the following status codes:

100: AML screening

This series can accompany completed status and includes:

Status codeDescription
100False positive sanctions hit
102False positive sensitivity list hit
110False positive PEP hit
120Confirmed PEP hit
130Elevated risk indicators checked
140Potential sanctions hit
141Potential PEP hit

1000: Identity data

This series can accompany invalid_data status (except for 1000 which accompanies pending status) and includes:

Status codeGuidance
1000Description: Data successfully validated
1004Description: person.type invalid

Action: Update the identity data, setting person.type to naturalPerson or legalPerson.
1005Description: person.fullName invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting the person.fullName format to only contain alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes.
1006Description: person.firstName invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting the person.firstName format to only contain alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes.
1007Description: person.lastName invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting the person.lastName format to only contain alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes.
1008Description: person.gender invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting person.gender to Female, Male, Other, or Unknown (case sensitive).
1009Description: person.nationality invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting person.nationality to a valid ISO_3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
1010Description: person.birthDate invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting person.birthDate to a valid date in YYYY-MM-DD format.
1011Description: invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting to a valid ISO_3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
1012Description: invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting to a valid email address including an @ character.
1013Description: invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting to a valid mobile phone number including the country code and beginning with 00 or + without spaces.
Example: 0031201234567 or +31201234567
1014Description: address.streetNumber invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting address.streetNumber to an integer greater than or equal to zero.
1015Description: address.street invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting address.street with only alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes.
1016Description: address.postalCode invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting address.postalCode.
1017Description: invalid or missing

Action: Update the identity data, setting the format to only contain alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes.
1018Description: kycDocument.documentType missing

Action: Update the identity file, setting kycDocument.documentType.
1021Description: person.nationality not supported for this document type

Action: Ask the client to use a supported ID document for their nationality.
1022Description: ID document missing

Action: Upload an ID document.
Description: tax.countrySubjectToTaxation invalid

Action: Update the identity data, changing the tax.countrySubjectToTaxation format to a valid ISO_3166-1 alpha-3 country code.
1023Description: Selfie photo missing

Action: Upload a selfie photo.
1024Description: ID document photo(s) missing or inconsistent

Action: Upload new document photos.
1025Description: All riskRequirement parameters are required

Action: Update the identity data, setting all riskRequirement parameters.
1031Description: Identity data too old

Action: Upload new identity data.
1032Description: Client not a natural person

Action: Update the identity data, setting person.type to Natural Person.
1033Description: person.fullName format invalid

Action: Update the identity data, making sure person.fullName consists of at least 2 words.
1034Description: Underage client

Action: None. You can't retry.
1035Description: Ineligible client due to unsupported country of residence

Action: None. You can't retry.
1036Description: ID document number already used

Action: Upload a new ID document.
1037Description: kycDocument.documentNumber missing

Action: Update the identity file, setting kycDocument.documentNumber.
1100Description: Secondary document missing

Action: Upload a secondary document.
1201Description: Client not successfully verified

Action: Create a new workflow for Identity Verification.

2000: Home address

This series can accompany inconsistent_data status and includes:

Status codeGuidance
2001Description: Invalid address

Action: Provide a valid address.
2002Description: PO box address

Action: Provide a valid non-PO box address.
2003Description: Non-residential address

Action: Provide a valid residential address.
2004Description: Address doesn't match the PoA document

Action: Provide a valid address request, or ask the client for a new official PoA document.

3000: Sendbacks

This series can accompany inconsistent_data status and includes:

Status codeGuidance
3001Description: person.nationality doesn't match client input

Action: Update the client's nationality.
3002Description: person.placeOfBirth doesn't match client input

Action: Update the client's place of birth.
3003Description: person.birthDate doesn't match client input

Action: Update the client's birth date.
3005Description: person.gender doesn't match client input

Action: Update the client's gender.
3100Description: Selfie photo too bright

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3101Description: Selfie photo too dark

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3102Description: Selfie photo too blurry

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3103Description: Selfie photo poor quality

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3104Description: Selfie photo inadequate

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3105Description: Selfie doesn’t match ID document portrait

Action: Create a new workflow for Identity Verification.
3106Description: Inadequate input

Action: Create a new workflow for Identity Verification.
3107Description: Face not fully visible or within frame

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3108Description: Selfie photo GDPR breach

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3200Description: ID document photo too bright

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3201Description: ID document photo too dark

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3202Description: ID document photo too blurry

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3203Description: ID document photo poor quality

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3204Description: Expired ID document

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3205Description: Invalid ID document

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3206Description: ID document photo of a photocopy or screen

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3207Description: ID document photo obscured

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3208Description: ID document in inadequate condition

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3209Description: Issuing country not supported

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3210Description: Nationality not supported

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3211Description: ID document out of frame

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3212Description: ID document in plastic cover

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3213Description: ID document photo GDPR breach

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3250Description: Security features not visible

Action: Upload a new ID document.
3300Description: Unclear if legal name provided by client matches ID document

Action: Update the client's full name.
3304Description: Photos of required ID document sides missing

Action: Provide the required number of photos for the document type.
3305Description: ID document number doesn't match client input

Action: Update the document number.
3306Description: ID document issue date doesn't match client input

Action: Update the issue date.
3307Description: ID document expiry date doesn't match client input

Action: Update the expiry date.
3308Description: TIN not visible

Action: Create a new workflow for Identity Verification.
3311Description: QEC details don't match ID document

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Qualified Electronic Signature.
3400Description: Secondary document photo too bright

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3401Description: Secondary document photo too dark

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3402Description: Secondary document photo too blurry

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3403Description: Secondary document photo poor quality

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3404Description: Expired secondary document

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3405Description: Invalid secondary document

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3406Description: Secondary document photo of a photocopy or screen

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3407Description: Secondary document photo obscured

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3408Description: Secondary document in inadequate condition

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3409Description: Secondary Document out of frame

Action: Upload a new secondary document.
3410Description: PoA document photo too bright

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3411Description: PoA document photo too dark

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3412Description: PoA document photo too blurry

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3413Description: PoA document photo poor quality

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3414Description: Expired PoA document

Action: Upload a different PoA document.
3415Description: Invalid PoA document

Action: Upload a different PoA document.
3416Description: PoA document photo of a photocopy or screen

Action: Upload an authentic PoA document.
3417Description: PoA document photo obscured

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3418Description: PoA document in inadequate condition

Action: Upload a different PoA document.
3419Description: PoA document out of frame

Action: Upload a new PoA document photo.
3500Description: Geolocation not provided

Action: Upload a new selfie with the geolocation.
3505Description: Not the same person

Action: Upload a new ID document and selfie.
3510Description: Geolocation not supported

Action: Upload a new selfie with the geolocation.
3520Description: Photo metadata inconsistent

Action: Upload a new document and selfie.
3521Description: Video metadata inconsistent

Action: Upload a new document and selfie.
3540Description: Device metadata inconsistent
3541Description: Device model inconsistent

Action: Upload a new document and selfie.
3542Description: Device language inconsistent

Action: Upload a new document and selfie.
3543Description: Device geolocation inconsistent

Action: Upload a new document and selfie.
3560Description: Invalid IP address

Action: Provide a valid IP address.
3600Description: Selfie video too bright

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3601Description: Selfie video too dark

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3602Description: Selfie video too blurry

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3603Description: Selfie video poor quality

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3604Description: Selfie video GDPR breach

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3610Description: Selfie video inadequate

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3620Description: Liveness features not visible

Action: Upload a new selfie video.
3700Description: Insufficient data

Action: Create a new workflow for Identity Verification.

4000: Rejections

The client can't retry.

This series can accompany completed status and includes:

Status codeDescription
4110Confirmed sanctions hit
4112Confirmed sensitivity list hit
4120Underage client
4130Unacceptable risk score
4135Unacceptable combination of data points
4140Country of residence not supported
4145Geolocation prohibited
4150Issuing country prohibited
4155Nationality prohibited
4160Hits above agreed threshold
4170High-risk IP address
4171High-risk country phone code
4172High-risk country of residence
4173High-risk geolocation
4190Rejected (other)
4192Selfie video rejected
4200Unacceptable third-party involvement in selfie photo
4202Unacceptable third-party involvement in selfie video
4211Unacceptable third-party involvement in ID document photo
4310Birth date doesn't match previous ID document
4311Place of birth doesn't match previous ID document
4400Name on ID document doesn't match client input

5000: Fraud

The client can't retry.

This series can accompany completed status and includes:

Status codeDescription
5100Tampered-with ID document
5150Counterfeit ID document
5200Tampered-with selfie photo
5201Selfie photo is of another photo
5210Biometrics match known fraudster
5300Tampered-with PoA document
5400Fraudulent address
5600Selfie video is of a video or a photo
5601Client in selfie video doesn’t match ID document
5602Client in selfie video wearing a mask
5610Fraudulent selfie video
5900Fraud (other)

6000: Qualified Electronic Signature errors

This series can accompany completed status and includes:

Status codeGuidance
6001Description: Fatal error while creating the QEC

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Qualified Electronic Signature.
6002Description: Error while creating the QEC

• SDK integration: Handled by the SDK.
• API integration: Retry the Document approval step.
6003Description: Communication error while creating the QEC

• SDK integration: Handled by the SDK.
• API integration: Retry the Signature confirmation step.
6004Description: Fatal error while signing documents

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Qualified Electronic Signature.
6005Description: Error while signing documents

• SDK integration: Handled by the SDK.
• API integration: Retry the Signature confirmation step.
6006Description: Communication error while signing documents

• SDK integration: Handled by the SDK.
• API integration: Retry the Signature confirmation step.
6007Pending verification flow only

Description: Fatal error while signing documents with provisional signature

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Qualified Electronic Signature.
6008Description: Signature flow timed out

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Qualified Electronic Signature.

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