App Drop-in

Integrations guide

Fourthline's App Drop-in lets you smoothly integrate workflows into your mobile app. It takes care of all interaction with the client, collects the relevant data (e.g. ID document, selfie, geolocation), and uploads it to Fourthline for case processing. You never handle sensitive personal data.

The SDK takes care of the user journey and orchestrates modules with a streamlined API flow. You can also easily level up from single products to multi-product solutions with no additional API requests.

All required images and data are captured in our best-practice UI and automatically uploaded to Fourthline for processing. You never handle sensitive personal data.

How it works

The App Drop-in supports the following:


The flow is as follows:

App Drop-in flow

App Drop-in flow

User interface

Fourthline provides the mobile-responsive UI, which is built in line with industry-standard best practices for user experience (UX):

  • The UI includes guidance and animations to help clients understand the journey.
  • Clients may not know how to take photos with appropriate lighting, background, and framing, which can lead to processing delays or unnecessary rejections. The UI provides clients clear instructions and real-time feedback to optimize image quality and maximize conversion.
  • The UI validates data entered by clients in real time to reduce input errors.
  • You can localize the UI text in a range of languages, and customize fonts and colors to match the look-and-feel of your brand.
  • Fourthline collects analytics data and continually updates the UI to improve conversion, meet evolving regulatory requirements, and keep pace with market trends in UIs and UX.
Fourthline ensures photos are taken during the workflow, in compliance with art. 41b of the European Banking Authority – Guidelines on the use of Remote Customer Onboarding Solutions under Article 13(1) of Directive (EU) 2015/849.


Explore the following example videos of our solutions and modules:

Identity Verification & modules

Identity Verification

Identity Verification

The European Identity Verification flow on the App Drop-in is as follows:

• The SDK detects the document type and adjusts the UI accordingly.
• Documents with a machine-readable zone (MRZ) are captured automatically without the client having to tap a Take photo button.
• The SDK provides selfie photo and liveness guidance, detecting the client's face (one face only) and ensuring it is within the frame.

Qualified Electronic Signature

Qualified Electronic Signature

The Qualified Electronic Signature module on the App Drop-in is as follows:

Bank Account Verification

Bank Account Verification

The Bank Account Verification module on the App Drop-in is as follows:

Document NFC

Document NFC

The Document NFC flow on the App Drop-in is as follows:

• The SDK includes instructions and an animation to explain the process to the client.
• It detects the chip and unlocks it using the ID document number and expiry date, and the client's birthdate (or the client details as a fallback).
• It extracts the data and the portrait.

Physical Proof of Address

Physical Proof of Address

The Physical Proof of Address module on the App Drop-in is as follows:

The client can either take a photo of a document or upload a file.

Tax number

Tax number

The Tax number module on the App Drop-in is as follows:

The SDK provides a custom UI for Dutch, Italian, and Spanish tax numbers.

Client data

Client data

The SDK collects the client's personal data, address, and contact details in one module or separate modules:

Address and contact details

Address and contact details

Market-specific solutions

French solution

French solution

The French solution on the App Drop-in is as follows:

German solution

German solution

The German solution on the App Drop-in is as follows:

Authentication solutions

Client Authentication

Client Authentication

The Client Authentication flow on the App Drop-in is as follows:

Document Authentication

Document Authentication

The Document Authentication flow on the App Drop-in is as follows:

Flow management



The App Drop-in asks for:

  • Camera permissions to take document photos and video, and selfie photo and video
  • Location permissions to access the client's geolocation and device metadata

Permissions are only requested once during the flow.

Camera permissions

Camera permissions

Location permissions

Location permissions

If the client blocks permissions, the drop-in shows the following screens:

Blocked permissions

Blocked permissions

Warnings and errors

Warnings and errors

The following warnings and errors are possible:

Bank Account Verification• Bank Account Verification required to complete identity check
• Client's bank declined the transfer
• Klarna unavailable
• Name not received from Klarna for matching
• Payment failed due to technical error
Camera• Camera stopped
• Camera timed out
ClientUnderage client
Device• Device offline
• Outdated software
• Unsupported device
ID document• Blurriness
• Document condition insufficient
• Document scan error
• Document type must match the client's input
• Expired document
• Glare
• Invalid data
• Issuing country on ID document must match the client's input
• Nationality must match the client's input
• Photo of a screen or photocopy detected
• Required side error
• Unsupported document type, issuing country, or nationality
Location• Blocked location service
• Disabled location service
Network• Blocked network request
• Internet error
• Network error
• Server error
Permissions• Blocked camera permissions
• Blocked location permissions
• Permissions error
Physical Proof of Address• Camera roll access denied for file upload
• Unsupported file type or size (JPG or PNG less than 10 MB)
Qualified Electronic Signature• Approved document download failure
• Fatal document approval error
• Incomplete or failed Identity Verification
• Location not supported
• One-time passcode expired, was resent too many times, or too many attempts
• Selfie not the same person as in associated Identity Verification case
Selfie• Multiple faces detected
• No face detected
• No motion detected during liveness
SDK session• Expired
• Fatal error
• Missing SDK validation code
• Retryable error
Warnings• Camera in use by another application
• Position of face within selfie mask
• Inconsistent data

We continually update and improve our SDKs, so all videos and screenshots on this page are examples provided for illustrative purposes only.

How to integrate


For configuration and setup instructions, see the relevant manual:

Integration manuals

For step-by-step integration manuals per solution, see the relevant integration guide:

UI customization

For how to customize the UI, see App UI Customization.

For any questions, contact your implementation manager.

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