App Drop-in Setup

Integrations guide

Cordova plugin

This page sets out step-by-step instructions for setting up your App Drop-in with the Cordova plugin.

Prerequisites & configuration

You will need your:

  • fourthlineGithubToken
  • tenantId provided by your implementation manager

Check the following prerequisites and specifications for your operating system:

Android prerequisites

Android prerequisites

  • Minimum API version: 23
  • Minimum supported Android API level: 23
  • Language: The SDK is written in Kotlin but is also compatible with Java.

The plugin contains the following:

Source file Fourthline.ktSubclasses the mobile CordovaPlugin object that bridges the Cordova web environment and the fourthline-scanners framework
fourthline-scanners Android libraryContains the following drop-in modules:
• Identity Verification flow
• Workflows API
• Document, Biometrics, and NFC scanners
• Location provider
• Identity data validator and zipper
fourthline-adapters-json Android libraryProvides JSON interfacing with fourthline-scanners
Android frameworksProvide functionalities for fourthline-scanners:
fourthline-core: Orchestration and analytics functionality
fourthline-vision: Document and Biometrics scanners
fourthline-nfc: NFC scanner
fourthline-nfc-assets: NFC chip processing functionality
fourthline-kyc: Identity data management functionality
Lottie: Animations functionality

To resolve the dependencies on Fourthline's Android SDK, declare and authenticate in our Maven repository:

  1. Add your fourthlineGithubToken as a Gradle Property for your environment.
It is good practice to prevent committing tokens with your source code.
Consider configuring the token from your Gradle Home directory or providing it via the command line.

  1. To support Kotlin and Androidx, make sure you have [email protected] platform.

  2. Because Kotlin 1.9 doesn't use the kotlin-android-extensions plugin generated by the Cordova framework, in the /platforms/android/app/build.gradle file, remove the line apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'.

Data is transferred between Cordova and our plugin API via JSON formatted Strings, both as input configuration options and payload responses.
iOS prerequisites

iOS prerequisites

  • Minimum iOS version: 12
  • Minimum XCode version: 14.3
  • Minimum iOS deployment target: 12.0
  • MRZ detection in the document scanner requires minimum iOS 13.

The plugin contains the following:

Source file Fourthline.swiftSubclasses the CordovaPlugin object that bridges the Cordova web environment and the FourthlineScanners framework
FourthlineScanners iOS frameworkContains the following drop-in modules:
• Identity Verification flow
• Workflows API
• Document, Biometrics, and NFC scanners
• Location provider
• Identity data validator and zipper
fourthline-adapters-json iOS libraryProvides JSON interfacing with FourthlineScanners
iOS frameworksProvide functionalities for FourthlineScanners:
FourthlineCore: Orchestration and analytics functionality
FourthlineVision: Document and Biometrics scanners
FourthlineNFC: NFC scanner
FourthlineKYC: Identity data management functionality

Before you set up the plugin, make the following preparations:

  1. In the Info.plist file, add the following keys required to access the camera and NFC functionalities:
<string>To verify your identity, please allow us to access your camera once only.</string>
  1. To enable NFC functionality, in the XCode Signing & Capabilities tab, enable the Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability, containing the following values:
  • Tag-Specific Data Protocol (TAG)
  • Password Authenticated Connection Establishment (PACE)

The YOUR_PROJECT_NAME.entitlements file is added to your project automatically.

Entitlements file source code:

  1. To access the NFC functionality, in the Info.plist file, add the following keys:
<string>To read the chip in your ID document, please enable NFC.</string>

  1. Optionally, to access the microphone functionality to record audio in the document and selfie videos, in the Info.plist file, add the following key:
<string>To verify your identity, please allow access to your microphone.</string>
  1. Optionally, to access the client's device geolocation, in the Info.plist file, add the following keys:
<string>To verify your identity, please allow access to your location.</string>

<string>To verify your identity, please allow access to your location.</string>

 <string>To verify your identity, your exact location is shared with us once only.</string>
  1. If customizing the fonts in the UI, add the font files to your project and to the projects' Info.plist file:

• Data is transferred between Cordova and our plugin API via JSON formatted Strings, both as input configuration options and payload responses.
• Fourthline's scanners are designed to be implemented and tested on a real mobile device. Launching them on the iOS simulator throws a scanner error.

GitHub credentials

Provide your implementation manager with the GitHub usernames and email addresses of your staff who need access to our repositories.

Identity data


If you want to receive a copy of the identity data gathered by the App Drop-in when it's uploaded to our backend (before case processing), let your implementation manager know.

Document data


Discuss with your implementation manager what data to extract from ID document photos via optical character recognition (OCR):

Data typeDescription
MRZ dataDocument data is extracted from the MRZ only and is processed offline by the SDK.
MRZ & VIZ dataFor greater accuracy, document data is extracted from the MRZ and VIZ and processed by our AI agent in real time.

Supported devices

More information
For questions about supported devices, contact your implementation manager.


Follow these steps:

1. Set up plugin

To setup the plugin, in package.json, add com-fourthline-plugin-cordova using the following command:

cordova plugin add

2. Set up analytics

The FourthlineCore module collects and processes metrics.

You can set up an analytics observer for the SDK to forward Fourthline events to.

Events are only forwarded when you initialize FourthlineAnalytics by calling FourthlineAnalytics.initialize(...) and TrackingConsent is set to granted.

  • To set up the observer, call FourthlineAnalytics.setObserver(...).
  • To remove the observer, call FourthlineAnalytics.removeObserver().

Example code:

    function(eventData) {
        // Handle eventData

Example code for tracked event:

  "event": string,
  "attributes": Object

3. Configure workflow

  1. Pass the following JSON configuration to the workflow:
 "configuration": WorkflowConfiguration,
 "customization": WorkflowCustomization

WorkflowConfiguration has the following format:

 "networkEnvironment": NetworkEnvironment, // To test a workflow locally use .mock, and to test workflow networking use .sandbox
 "validationCode": string, // Returned in the Create SDK session response

NetworkEnvironment can have the following values:

productionLive environment
sandboxRemote testing environment
mockLocal testing environment with stubbed data

  1. To get the ValidationCode, make a Create SDK session request.

WorkflowCustomization is an optional field.
To customize the look and feel of the UI, see App Drop-in UI Customization.
It has the following format:

 "flavor": string

Example code:

var config = `{
 "configuration": {
 "validationCode": "123456",
 "networkEnvironment": "sandbox"
 "customization": {
 "flavor": {
 "colors": ${orcaColors},
 "fonts": ${orcaFonts},
 "localization": ${orcaLocalization},
 "layouts": ${orcaLayout}

 function(msg) {
 // Client has successfully completed the workflow
 // No further action required
 function(error) {
 // Extract and process the information received in JSON error string format
 var jsonError = JSON.parse(error.message);

If the workflow is:

  • Successful: All results are already processed and no additional response is returned.
  • Unsuccessful: The following JSON string is returned:
 "errorCode": number,
 "errorDescription": string

The following error codes are possible:

Error codeDescriptionAction
800Decoding errorCheck the errorDescription for more information.
802Invalid or missing fontCheck the errorDescription for more information.
803User canceledThe client explicitly canceled the workflow.
830JSON parse errorCheck the JSON provided.
850Incorrect configurationEnsure the workflow is configured correctly.
870Unexpected + messageInform your implementation manager immediately.
1000ClientRejectedThe client isn't eligible for the workflow.
You can't retry.
1001InvalidValidationCodeMake a new Create SDK session request.
1002Module error + messageThe client encountered an error in one of the workflow modules.
Check the message for more information.
1003ConfigurationNotSupported + messageThe workflow created using the validationCode isn't supported.
Consider updating to the latest plugin version.
1004InvalidWorkflowStatusCheck if the workflow module is already completed successfully or with an error.

4. Add data observer

To receive notifications for each data group that the SDK uploads to Fourthline and a copy of the data itself, add a data observer.

Example code:

 function(dataJson) {
 // Handle dataJson

// Remove observer

The notifications per data type have the following JSON structure:

    "issueDate":"string", // Optional, format YYYY-MM-DD
    "expirationDate":"string", // Optional, format YYYY-MM-DD
        "timestamp":"string", // Optional, format "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ"
    "duration":"string", // Default / extended
    "location":{ // Optional
    "timestamp":"string", // Optional
    "location":{ // Optional
    "duration":"string", // Default / extended
    "location":{ // Optional

    "image":"string", // Optional
    "location":{ // Optional
    "dataGroups":[ // Optional
    "streetNumberSuffix":"string", // Optional
    "region":"string" // Optional
    "middleName":"string", // Optional
    "birthCountryCode":"string", // Optional
    "birthPlace":"string", // Optional
    "birthDate":"string" // Format YYYY-MM-DD
    "location":{ // Optional

5. Delete temporary files

The plugins store some data collected during workflows (e.g. selfie and document videos) in the tmp/fourthline folder in the client's device filesystem. This is because the videos must remain available until collected, packaged into the case zipfile, and uploaded to our backend.

You must delete the temporary files when they are no longer needed, e.g. after the SDK has uploaded all data to Fourthline or immediately before the app is terminated in:

  • Android: onDestroy()
  • iOS: applicationWillTerminate

Example code:

 function() {
 // Fourthline files deleted

You have configured and set up your App Drop-in!
To integrate your solutions, see the Integration Guides.

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