Review & Audit Solutions

Solutions overview

Fourthline’s Case Review Portal is a secure, user-friendly web environment for handling cases.

We offer the following functionalities in the portal:

Operating model

Agree your operating model with your implementation manager:

Operating modelDescription
Fourthline operatedFourthline agents process and audit cases
Fourthline poweredYour agents process and audit cases

Case Processing

Every case is first processed by our AI agent and, if it can't assign an automated outcome, the case passes to a human agent. Human agents manually review cases flagged by the AI agent to perform additional anti-fraud and anti-financial crime checks. They may send complex, poor quality, or incomplete cases back to you to request more information. Each case is then assigned an outcome and we generate a detailed, fully compliant, evidenced CDD Report.

Case Processing

Case Processing

Case Processing includes the following features:

Checks libraryConfigure checks to validate more than 200 data points.
Automatic case assignmentThe portal automatically assigns cases to human agents based on a predefined set of filters, e.g. product/solution, hit type, SLA time, and business partner.
Case categorizationTo streamline workflows, cases are split into unassigned, assigned, and pending second opinion categories.
Time trackingHuman agents can set their work status to track their activity and productivity.
Outcome managementHuman agents can approve, reject, and update check outcomes.
Real-time AI agent double-checkThe AI agent rechecks any data point updated by a human agent.
Responsive video viewingHuman agents can automatically play and pause selfie and document videos, change the playback speed, and enlarge the video frame.
Responsive image viewingHuman agents can compare a series of images next to each other, adjust the view of images taken at difficult angles to make them easier to read, and zoom in up to 100 times.
Google Maps and Street View integrationHuman agents can perform additional checks on locations.
Data correctionIf we detect any errors in information entered by the client, we correct it in line with their ID document. The CDD Report contains the both original and the corrected values.
EscalationsHuman agents can escalate complex cases to supervisors. The portal creates an audit history of when, how often, and why cases are escalated.
Four-eyes reviewA second human agent performs an extra check on cases with:
• A high-risk geolocation to ensure the client isn't applying from a sanctioned country.
• Low scores for facial recognition and document image sharpness
Human review (optional)If recommended by your regulator (e.g. BaFin) you can configure for a human agent to review every case, even those successfully processed by the AI agent.

Fourthline-operated SLA
The amount of load Fourthline can handle depends on the level of automation we can perform for your configuration during case processing.
Our default service-level agreement (SLA) states that we must process 80% of cases per month within 5 minutes.
So far, we have never failed to meet this.
We have proven we can handle extreme growth while upholding the SLA.
More information
For the complete list of checks we perform, request our CDD Policy from your implementation manager.
Next steps
For the Fourthline-powered operating model, see the integration guide.

Get in touch

Case Auditing

Human agents audit completed cases, like a live, interactive CDD Report. They can't change the original outcomes.

Case Auditing

Case Auditing

Case Auditing includes the following features:

Case filterFilter completed cases to audit by human agent, case identifier, client identifier, product/solution, and time frame.
Checks libraryValidate 200+ data points to understand how specific checks or whole cases were assigned their final outcome.
Responsive video viewingAuditors can automatically play and pause selfie and document videos, change the playback speed, and enlarge the video frame.
Image comparisonAuditors can compare a series of images next to each other, adjust the view of images taken at difficult angles to make them easier to read, and zoom in up to 100 times.
Google Maps and Street View integrationAuditors can perform additional checks on locations.
Time trackingAuditors can set their work status to track their activity and productivity.
Check correctionAuditors can correct incorrect checks.

Next steps
For the Fourthline-powered operating model, see the integration guide.

Get in touch

Case Guidance

Case Guidance features detailed, specific reference information and procedures on how best to process all checks, covering more than 500 ID document types. The guidance is dynamically displayed exactly when and where needed to assist human agents.

Case Guidance

Case Guidance

Quality Assurance

Performing quality assurance (QA) reviews on completed Identity Verification cases helps eliminate or minimize processing errors, improve criteria and procedures, and enhance human agents' performance and training.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

You can leverage this based on the following operating models:

Operating modelDescription
Fourthline operatedWe can share the findings from our internal QA reviews with you, as an additional service.
Fourthline poweredYou can enable the QA section in your Case Review Portal to perform your own reviews.

Fourthline QA reviews

Fourthline's highly qualified Assurance Team performs independent, unbiased QA reviews on a daily basis.
The team forms part of the second line of defense within Fourthline.

The QA reviewer re-checks the entire case, including the AI agent checks and any AML hits. Reviews are then subject to further oversight by senior Assurance Team members or our Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) Team. We also periodically validate case data for accuracy, privacy, and correct logging.

All our processes and evidence comply with the requirements of Fourthline's external auditors, as part of our ISAE 3000 certification. We use the information from reviews to improve our offering and continually calibrate our AI agent.

Sampling methodology

Sampling methodology

QA reviews are conducted on 2 sample types:

  • Random samples from the entire population of cases to obtain a statistically relevant assessment of quality, following industry best practices
  • Targeted samples to actively monitor and search for errors in specific sets of cases, e.g.:
    • Cases with increased fraud risk
    • Cases for new business partners, products, markets, or document types
You can configure the size of samples in agreement with Fourthline, as a percentage of the volume of your cases processed (most commonly 2 or 5%).
Criticality levels

Criticality levels

Processing errors detected in reviews are assigned one of the following levels of criticality:

Low• Case outcome should have been different
• Client input errors detected
Medium• Errors in the client's name
• Document photo is of a photocopy
• Confirmed assistance with malintent
• Missing device metadata
• ID document data doesn't match the personal data entered by the client
High• Case data / document video / selfie video doesn't meet applicable local regulatory requirements
• Qualified electronic certificate data doesn't match ID document
• New ID document data doesn't match previous document
• Fraud cases and sanctions hits (always double-checked by the AFC Team)

Error types

Error types

Reviewers may detect the following types of errors:

Error typeCorrect outcome
Inaccurate correction of client input error: Names, dates, otherN/A
Expired documentSendback
GDPR breachSendback
Inadequate client inputSendback
Insufficient photos uploadedSendback
Insufficient security featuresSendback
Missing device metadataSendback
Non-residential addressSendback
Photocopy usedSendback
Unacceptable document conditionSendback
Unacceptable document photo / selfie photo qualitySendback
Unsupported documentSendback
Unmet regulatory requirementsSendback/Rejection
Accepted confirmed hitRejection
Fraud detected after Identity Verification case successfully completedRejection
ID document data and personal data mismatchRejection
Increased risk data pointsRejection
Underage clientRejection


We share findings with you on a monthly basis, unless agreed otherwise. On request, we can email high-criticality cases to you immediately.

Reports don't contain sensitive case data, only case identifiers.

Example report

Next steps
For the Fourthline-powered operating model, see the integration guide.

Get in touch

Fourthline Dashboard

Use the dashboard to monitor the status of cases and clients and gain insight from key metrics.

Drill down into client conversion rates by location, analyze similar types of attempts with detailed risk information, or check the current status of a pending AML investigation.

It contains all the necessary data for your operations, compliance, and KYC departments in one place.

Case statuses

Case statuses

Case statusesCase filters
VerifyingTime frame
CompletedRisk category
Try againCountry of residence
Data errorID document issuing country

Fourthline Dashboard: Verifications

Case status overview

Client statuses

Client statuses

Client statusesCase filters
VerifyingClient status
CompletedAttempts per client
Try again

Fourthline Dashboard: Clients

Client status overview



Currently processingCountry of residence
Completed / Rejected / Fraud
Try again

Fourthline Dashboard: Metrics

Metrics overview

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