Client Authentication Statuses

Integrations guide

This page sets out possible statuses, explanatory status codes, CDD Report availability, and risk codes for Client Authentication.

In addition to checking the status in webhook notifications, you can check the status of a specific Client Authentication case any time via a Get Client Authentication status request.


Possible statuses include:

newDescription: The case is successfully created.

Action: Wait for the next status.
pendingDescription: We are validating the data.

Action: Wait for the next status.

Status code: 1000
inconsistent_dataDescription: We found inconsistent data.

Action: Retry.

Status codes: 3000 series
invalid_dataDescription: We found invalid data.

Action: Retry.

Status codes: 3000 series
completedDescription: We have processed the case.
For our recommendation to accept or reject it, see the risk code.

Action: Download the CDD Report.

Status codes: 40005000 series

Risk codes: 200 or 500

Status flow diagram

The pathways for statuses are as follows:

Client Authentication status flow

Client Authentication status flow

Risk codes

Possible risk codes include:

Risk codeRisk score

Status codes

Statuses can be accompanied by one or multiple of the following status codes:

1000: Data validation

This status code accompanies pending status:

Status codeGuidance
1000The data has been successfully validated.

Action: Wait for the next status notification.

3000: Sendbacks

This series can accompany inconsistent_data status and includes:

Status codeGuidance
3100Description: Selfie photo too bright

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3101Description: Selfie photo too dark

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3102Description: Selfie photo too blurry

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3103Description: Selfie poor quality

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3104Description: Inadequate selfie

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3105Description: Not the same person

Action: Create a new case.
3107Description: Face not fully visible or within frame

Action: Upload a new selfie.
3500Description: No geolocation provided

Action: Upload a new selfie with the client's geolocation.
3510Description: Geolocation is in a prohibited country

Action: Upload a new selfie with the geolocation in a supported country.
3540Description: Device metadata inconsistent

Action: Create a new case.
3600Description: Selfie video too bright

Action: Upload a new video.
3601Description: Selfie video too dark

Action: Upload a new video.
3602Description: Selfie video too blurry

Action: Upload a new video.
3603Description: Selfie video poor quality

Action: Upload a new video.
3610Description: Selfie video inadequate

Action: Upload a new video.
3620Description: Liveness features not visible in selfie video

Action: Upload a new video.

4000: Rejection

The client can't retry.

This series includes:

Status codeDescription
4145Geolocation is prohibited
4190Other rejected
4192Video rejected
4200Assisted selfie
4202Assisted video

5000: Fraud

The client can't retry.

This series includes:

Status codeDescription
5200Selfie tampering
5201Selfie tampering - Photo of a photo
5202Selfie tampering - Different person
5210Biometric verification
5600Video tampering
5601Different person in video
5610Video other fraud
5900Other fraud

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