AML Screening & Monitoring Integration

Integration guide


This section provides guidance on how to integrate AML Screening & Monitoring via our API.

Before you start integrating, make sure you have the following in place:


You need your Fourthline API key.


Set up handling for AML statuses.


Set up a webhook and handling for AML notifications.


Discuss with your Fourthline delivery manager the following configuration options:

AML ScreeningAML Screening for one-time screening included or not
AML MonitoringAML Monitoring for daily screening included or not
AML InvestigationAML Investigation for Fourthline human agents to investigate potential hits included or not
Hit typesWhich hit types to screen
AML clientsCreate AML client profiles or use existing Fourthline clientIds
Sensitivity listCreate a sensitivity list for us to check during screening or not

Hit types

You can check for hits in the following sources:

Hit typeDescription
AdverseMediaAny mention in credible, open-access media sources relating to events that meet qualifying standards and definitions
EnforcementAny legal penalty listed in sources published by government agencies, industry regulators, and disciplinary boards that meets qualifying standards and definitions
PEPAny appearance in lists of individuals who act in one or more prominent, senior public functions, as well as their family members, and associates
SanctionsAny public legal decree by a sovereign government or international/regional organization that imposes restrictive measures on a foreign state, entity, or individual to advance certain foreign-policy or national-security objectives

We also return any hits we find in Other sources or watchlists.

User guide

AML client profiles

You can manage your AML client profiles using the following API requests:

Get AML client by our IDGet an AML client profile using the Fourthline id.
Get AML client by your IDGet an AML client profile using your providerClientId.
Update AML clientUpdate an AML client profile.
Deactivate AML clientDeactivate an AML client profile (no data is deleted).

Sensitivity list

You can upload your own sensitivity list of clients you don't want to do business with via our API. You determine how often you update the list and are responsible for the accuracy of the data.

Manage your sensitivity list using the following API requests:

Add sensitive clientAdd a sensitive client profile to your list.
Update sensitive clientUpdate the details of a sensitive client profile.
Remove sensitive clientRemove a sensitive client profile from your list.
Get sensitive clientGet the profile of a specific sensitive client on your list.
Get all sensitive clientsGet the profiles of all sensitive clients on your list.

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