Platform guide
Fourthline’s reports provide a detailed audit trail for your risk and compliance teams, and internal and external auditors.
Identity Verification
For each Identity Verification case, we generate a specialized Client Due Diligence (CDD) Report zipfile containing:
- A PDF report with all data and files we processed, all checks performed, the final outcome, and the risk score
- An XML file containing all data and any corrections
- All identity files
To download:
- The CDD zipfile: Make a Get CDD zipfile request.
- The PDF report only: Make a Get CDD PDF request.
Zipfile structure
The zipfile structure can vary slightly, depending on the solution and how the data was uploaded. The path to the various original identity files in the zip folder is specified in the XML file.
For example:

Example zipfile structure
PDF report
The PDF report contains the following:
Content | Description |
Cover page | The cover page contains: • Fourthline’s address • Your address(es) • The overall case outcome: Completed • The case identifier, client identifier, final case status, and processing timestamp • Recommended actions, e.g. when to renew the client’s ID document, when to re-verify their identity • Additional Identity Verification modules that you use, e.g. Physical Proof of Address, Qualified Electronic Signature |
Disclaimer | The terms and conditions for the CDD Report. |
Checks overview | A list of all checks performed by our AI agent and human agents and any significant flags raised during case processing. |
Personal data | The client’s personal data, as provided by the client and any corrections by Fourthline, e.g. if the client made a typo. For Physical Proof of Address, we provide the data extracted from the document. |
Tax information | The country where the client is subject to tax and their TIN. |
Identity files | The original and any corrected data for each supporting file, e.g.: • ID document photos and video • Selfie photo and video • Tax information • The official document for Physical Proof of Address, if configured |
Risk score | The risk score for the case. |
Agent details | The names of all Fourthline human agents who processed and reviewed the case. |
AML screening | • The AML database screened • Confirmed hit or False positive: Information about the hits • No hits: The status of the completed screening and timestamp (for your audit trail) • Hit type: Sanctions / PEP / Adverse media / Conviction • Outcome: Accept or Reject the client • Recommended actions |
Identity media | Copies of all identity files provided: • Selfie photo and a still of the selfie video • ID document photos (original and cropped, flat and tilted) and a still of the document video • ID document security features with AI and human agent assessments • Physical Proof of Address document photo |
Document address | The client's address extracted from the ID document as raw, unverified data. |
Document issuing country | The issuing country extracted from the document. |
• Data for Bank Account Verification or Qualified Electronic Signature modules
• Geolocation or device metadata
XML file
For all Identity Verification cases, we generate an XML file containing all identity data and any corrections. To download it, make a Get CDD zipfile.
The XML file is structured as follows and may contain:
Attribute | Description |
SafenedKYC | The container for the XML file. |
ClientNumberProvider Type: String | The Fourthline clientId . |
ModifiedDateTime Type: Datetime | The timestamp for when the XML file was last modified. Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ without milliseconds |
Provider Type: String | Your name in Fourthline's system agreed with your Fourthline delivery manager. |
Attribute | Description |
Identification Type: Array of objects | The client's personal data and identity files. |
Attribute | Description |
Person Type: Object | The client's personal data. |
Type Type: String | The type of entity the client is: • Legal Entity : The client is a company or organization with legal rights and obligations. • Legal Person : The client is a non-human entity with legal rights and obligations. • Natural Person : The client is a living human. |
Name Type: String | The client's full name. |
Initials Type: String | The client's initials. |
FirstName Type: String | The client's first name. |
MiddleName Type: String | The client's first name. |
LastName Type: String | The client's last name. |
OtherLastName Type: String | Any other last name the client uses, e.g. married name. Format: Alphabetical characters, spaces, hyphens, and apostrophes You can configure a Fourthline human agent to perform a matchOtherLastName check and, if necessary, correct it. This value is always included in the CDD Report. You can configure to also include it in the XML or JSON output in the case zipfile. |
Nationality Type: String | The client's nationality. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
Gender Type: String | The client's sex: • Female • Male • Other • Unknown |
CountryOfBirth Type: String | The country where the client was born. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
PlaceOfBirth Type: String | The city where the client was born. |
BirthDate Type: Date | The client's date of birth. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
Attribute | Description |
Address Type: Object | The client's address details. |
Street Type: String | The street of the address. |
StreetNumber Type: int32 | The street number of the address. |
StreetNumberSuffix Type: String | The suffix of the street number. Example: 123A |
SecondAddressLine Type: String | The second line of the client's address. |
PostalCode Type: String | The zip code of the client's address. |
Region Type: String | The region of the client's address. |
City Type: String | The city of the client's address. |
Country Type: String | The country of the client's address. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
Attribute | Description |
EmailAndPhone Type: Object | The client's email address and phone number(s). |
Email Type: String | The client's email address. |
Phone Type: String | The client's landline number. |
Mobile Type: String | The client's mobile phone number. |
Attribute | Description |
Documents Type: Array of objects | The container for the identity files. |
IdentificationDocument Type: Object | The container for each identity file. |
DocumentType Type: String | The type of identity file: • BusinessCard • DocumentVideo • DrivingLicense • EmbeddedFace • HealthInsuranceCard • NationalIDCard • PaperID • Passport • ResidencePermit • Selfie • SelfieVideo • StudentIDCard |
DocumentSubType Type: String | For Physical Proof of Address, any further sub-classification of this document type. |
DocumentNumber Type: String | The ID document number. |
DocumentIssuingCountry Type: String | If configured, the country that issued the ID document. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
Files Type: Object | The container for the identity file photos/videos. |
Files.File Type: Object | The container for each photo/video. |
Files.File. FileLocation Type: String | The location of the photo/video relative to the XML file within the zipfile. |
Files.File. Side Type: String | The side of the ID document shown. • Back • Front • InsideLeft • InsideRight |
Files.File. FileType Type: String | The type of file. Example: JPEG |
Files.File. Latitude Type: String | The latitude of the document photo. |
Files.File. Longitude Type: String | The longitude of the document photo. |
IssueDate Type: Date | The date the ID document was issued. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
ExpirationDate Type: Date | The date the ID document expires. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
ResidenceAddress Type: Date | If configured, the raw, unverified address extracted from the ID document. |
ValidityInDays Type: Integer | For Physical Proof of Address, the number of days the document is valid for. |
HolderName Type: String | For Physical Proof of Address, the name of the person the document was issued to. |
EmbeddedData Type: Object | The data from the NFC chip, if present. |
EmbeddedData.MRZ Type: String | The data from the MRZ. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace Type: Object | The portrait from the NFC chip. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files Type: Array of objects | The container for the EncodedFace files. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files.File Type: Object | The container for each EncodedFace file. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files.File.FileLocation Type: String | The location of the EncodedFace file relative to the XML file within the zipfile. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files.File.FileType Type: String | The type of file. Example: JPEG |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files.File.Latitude Type: String | The latitude of the document photo. |
EmbeddedData.EncodedFace. Files.File.Longitude Type: String | The longitude of the document photo. |
Attribute | Description |
Tax Type: Object | The client's tax information. |
CountrySubjectToTaxation Type: String | The country where the client is subject to taxation. Format: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 |
TIN Type: Integer | The client's tax identification number. |
USPerson Type: String | Whether the client is a US citizen. |
USTIN Type: String | The client's US tax identification number. |
Attribute | Description |
Profession Type: Object | The client's profession and employment situation. |
Employment Type: String | The client's employment status. • no : The client isn't employed. • self-employed : The client is self-employed. • yes : The client is employed. |
Profession Type: String | What the client does for work. |
Industry Type: String | The industry the client works in. • A : Agriculture, forestry, and fishing • B : Mining and quarrying • C : Manufacturing • D : Electricity, gas, stream, and air conditioning supply • E : Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities • F : Construction • G : Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles • H : Transportation and storage • I : Accommodation and food service activities • J : Information and communication • K : Financial and insurance activities • L : Real estate activities • M : Professional, scientific and technical activities • N : Administrative and support service activities • O : Public administration and defense; compulsory social security • P : Education • Q : Human health and social work activities • R : Arts, entertainment and recreation • S : Other service activities • T : Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods and services-producing activities • U : Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies |
Attribute | Description |
IpAddress Type: String | The IP address of the client's device. |
Attribute | Description |
RiskRequirements Type: Object | Specific risk factors for Italian clients. |
Entity Type: String | The country that requires this data. |
Product Type: String | The type of product the client produces. |
Sector Type: String | The industry where the client is active. |
PlaceOfWork Type: String | The place where the client works. |
SourceOfIncome Type: String | Where the client gets their income from. |
PepSelfDeclared Type: String | Whether the client has declared that they are a PEP. |
Example XML code
xmlns:xsi="" Provider="QA" ClientNumberProvider="TEST-BERLIN-11153841" ModifiedDateTime="2023-12-20T10:08:23.8837908Z">
<Type>Natural Person</Type>
<FirstName>MAELYS GAELLE MARIE</FirstName>
<LastName>MARTIN NOM DUSAGE</LastName>
<OtherLastName>NOM D'USAGE</OtherLastName>
<Street>Avenue Anatole France</Street>
<Email>[email protected]</Email>
<DocumentType>National ID Card</DocumentType>
<DocumentType>Proof of Residence</DocumentType>
<DocumentSubType>Utility bill</DocumentSubType>
<ResidenceAddress>MOLENPAD 4 1016GM AMSTERDAM</ResidenceAddress>
<HolderName>WILLEKE DE BRUIJN</HolderName>
<Sector>Lavoratore Autonomo</Sector>
<SourceOfIncome>Salary income</SourceOfIncome>
Client Authentication
For each Client Authentication case, we generate a CDD Report in PDF format.
To download the report, make a Get CDD PDF request.
The report contains the following:
Content | Description |
Outcome | Completed |
Case details | Case identifier and case status |
Addresses | Fourthline's address and your address(es) |
Data | • The client’s personal data, as originally entered by the client and any corrections by Fourthline • The client's tax information |
Processing | The status code history for the case, explaining the outcome and any flags raised during case processing |
Risk score | The risk score for the case: Low (acceptable) or Unacceptable |
Agents | The names of all Fourthline human agents who processed and reviewed the case |
Tax information | If collected, the country where the client is subject to tax and their TIN. |
Document Authentication
For each Document Authentication case, we generate a CDD Report in PDF format.
To download the report, make a Get CDD PDF request.
The report contains the following:
Content | Description |
Outcome | Completed |
Case details | Case identifier and case status |
Addresses | Fourthline's address and your address(es) |
Data | The client’s personal data: • As originally entered by the client and any corrections by Fourthline • From their latest successful Identity Verification case The document data for the client’s primary ID document, and any corrections by Fourthline |
Processing | The status code history for the case, explaining the outcome and any flags raised during case processing |
Risk score | The risk score for the case: Low (acceptable) or Unacceptable |
Agents | The names of all Fourthline human agents who processed and reviewed the case |
Files | • Copies of all ID document photos (original and cropped, flat and tilted) • All data including any corrections in an XML file • All ID document photos |
AML Screening & Monitoring
For AML Screening & Monitoring, for every confirmed hit, we generate a Confirmed Hit Report.
To download the report, make a Get Confirmed Hit Report request.
The report contains the following:
Content | Description |
Personal data | The client’s personal data and any aliases, known locations and companies |
Investigation data | • Investigation identifier • Key words • Date of the database entry and any updates • Any additional information from the investigation |
Updated about 1 month ago