Bank Account Verification Statuses

Integrations guide

This page sets out possible statuses and explanatory status codes for Bank Account Verification.

• No risk code or CDD Report is generated for Bank Account Verification.
• In addition to checking the status in webhook notifications, you can check the status of a specific Bank Account Verification workflow any time via a Get reference payment status request.


Possible statuses include:

newDescription: The workflow is successfully created.

Action: Wait for pending status.
pendingDescription: The reference payment is being processed.

Action: Wait for completed status.
kyc_requiredDescription: The client's Identity Verification case was unsuccessful.

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Bank Account Verification.
Description: There is no Identity Verification case for this client.

Action: Create a new workflow that includes Identity Verification and Bank Account Verification.
completedDescription: The reference payment was successfully processed.

Action: None.
failedDescription: The reference payment failed.
For the specific reason, check the accompanying status code.

Action: Create a new workflow for Bank Account Verification only.

Status codes: 7000 series

Status flow diagram

The pathways for statuses are as follows:

Bank Account Verification status flow

Bank Account Verification status flow

Status codes

failed status can be accompanied by one or multiple of the following status codes:

Status codeDescriptionAction
7000The client didn't complete the Bank Account Verification flow in time and it expired.Restart the Bank Account Verification workflow.
7011Fourthline didn't receive the required data to complete the Bank Account Verification flow.Restart the Bank Account Verification workflow.
7012The information we received from the bank doesn't match the client's Identity Verification case.Restart the Bank Account Verification workflow.
7021A problem occurred with the client's bank.Wait for the next status notification.

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